Get To Know Me

Friday, March 29, 2013


Look, we are all going to make mistakes.  And some of them will happen whether we are careful or not, but I feel like it doesn't hurt to have boundaries. 


[boun-duh-ree, -dree]  
noun, plural bound·a·ries.
1. something that indicates bounds or limits; a limiting or bounding line.
We set them with our kids.  Don't walk alone after dark, don't communicate online with people you don't know, or don't talk to strangers.  WHY do we set boundaries for them?  Because we want to keep them SAFE!!!!  
So shouldn't we treat our marriage the same way?  Shouldn't we safeguard it against the things that might sneak up on us and threaten the bond we have as husband and wife?  
Now that I've witnessed how incredibly HARMFUL a seemingly unharmful text can be, one new boundary is that I communicate with the women and my husband can communicate with the men.  I've had girlfriends text us both at the same time and ask a question.  So in those situations I will answer for the both of us and vice versa. Why even put the opposite sex in your phone?? Just don't give yourself that opening.  And don't think you are above it all and that you would NEVER begin an emotional affair.  A very high percentage of people involved in emotional affairs will say that they never MEANT for it to happen.  It started casually and they got carried away.  So WHY EVEN PUT YOURSELF IN THAT POSITION TO BEGIN WITH???? 
It's my belief  that
I know there are probably a lot of people out there that will disagree with this and that's fine, but I speak from experience. 
I think we can be friends as couples.  But in no way, shape or form should my husband be communicating on his own with any of the women we are friends with.  I don't care how casual the subject matter.  There is NO reason for it.  And no exceptions. That's all.

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