Get To Know Me

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I'm sorry Justin Beiber...

I can't completely explain, but Justin Beiber's song "Boyfriend" is one of my triggers for the affair.  Lucky for me, it hasn't really been played on the radio anymore, and even if it is, I can easily change the radio station.  But of course today, as I'm standing in the middle of Walmart doing my shopping, the blasted song begins to play.  I heard those "whale sounds" (what IS that noise?) and I thought, "crap!".
Being seven months after the affair, the triggers don't hit me AS strong.  But in that moment, my heart still sped up, my stomach started to get in a knot and I wanted to yell at someone to change the damn song.  I had the urge to get the heck out of there, but figured the song would probably be over by the time I got out of the store, so what did I do?
I don't care how ridiculous I looked.
It's actually kind of sad because I liked that song.  I'm sorry Justin Beiber, because of the other woman, I now despise this song.  Such a shame.

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