Get To Know Me

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Adventure out into the world


There was a point after the affair was revealed that both my husband and I were kind of in a FUNK.  It was probably a little bit of depression.  We would talk about how we are not feeling much from life right now.  We started feeling really BLAH just thinking about how we wake up, go through our day (work, school, housework) and then have dinner and ultimately end up going to bed and then starting again the next day.  We talked about what could help us find more PURPOSE and HAPPINESS
We decided that ONE thing (out of several we discussed) that helps is to have adventures to look forward to!  Maybe we can't have an adventure every day, but we can start making plans.  What are the things you've always wanted to do?  We love to EXPLORE new places and now that our kids are a little older, we want to explore with them as well.  We took a vacation to St. George, Utah and yes, we have been there before, but we sought out things we haven't done yet while visiting there. 
It's amazing what can happen when you think about HOPES, DREAMS or ASPIRATIONS for your life.  My problem is usually remembering what they are sometimes or forgetting to work towards them.  So one tip for you : WRITE THEM DOWN!  It can be simple as keeping a list in your phone.  Your phone is something you take with you any time an idea pops in your head, you can whip it out and add it to the list!  Start making a list NOW!
Anyway, while on vacation, we wanted to hike, but wanted something closer to town than Snow Canyon.  We found the Dixie Overlook Trail off of Red Hills Parkway at about 400 N and 200 E near Pioneer Park.  They had picnic tables and a pavilion.  There were several different trails all around, so you could choose the difficulty.  The kids mainly had fun exploring and the VIEWS were incredible.  It's nice to look out on the world and remember how wonderful and beautiful life really is.


1 comment:

  1. I found this blog. She was also betrayed by her best friend

    Mara x


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