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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Can someone explain this to me?

Words can not describe the things that went through my head as I saw these in the bakery yesterday.  I found myself wondering how someone could deface such a beautiful and delicious maple donut.  Maple donuts are one of my favorites.  Especially if it has a custard filling.  mmmmmm
And don't get me wrong. I also have a love for bacon.  But I think it is just sick and wrong to combine the two together.  Yes, you might tell me I can't judge until I try it, but I can't even imagine even taking a bite out of that thing!
Can someone please explain to me what they were thinking when they created this???!!  I'm sorry, I feel like this needed immediate attention, so my Thankful Thursday post has been moved to tomorrow. ;)


  1. I completely 100% agree with you. I hate bacon, even by itself. It's disgusting. Especially a maple doughnut lathered in bacon. I cannot think of anything more repulsive- and I am pretty adventurous with food.

    I have a good friend that had me over to her house for birthday cake and ice cream. It was a beautiful chocolate cake. She sliced everyone up a slice. I almost gagged when I found bacon chunks all in the cake AND the frosting. What a waste of a perfectly good dessert!!


  2. It doesn't sound so gross to me. I don't know why - because honestly I don't even love bacon. My daughter was dying to try it and we went to a donut shop but they were all out because the owner said was by far the most popular item and that they ran out all the time!!


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