Get To Know Me

Saturday, April 20, 2013

When You're Lost & Alone : Carry On

I was having a particularly bad day last week and I was alone driving in the car when this song came on.  I turned it up and started singing along.  To anyone passing me by, I probably looked like a fool.  But I LOVE music that makes me feel good, and this one cheered me up and for those 4 minutes I actually felt like I CAN carry on and that I'm going to be ok!!
  I am also loving the group FUN.  It's funny because sometimes I don't always understand all the lyrics, but I seem to get the gist of it and this group especially is just SO powerful that I feel the emotion run through my whole body. I found this acoustic version that I really like and wanted to share.  The chorus hits me the most "If you're lost and alone, or you're sinking like a stone, CARRY ON!"  
Well I woke up to the sound of silence
The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight
And I found you with a bottle of wine
Your head in the curtains
And heart like the fourth of July

You swore and said
We are not
We are not shining stars
This I know
I never said we are

Though I've never been through hell like that
I've closed enough windows
To know you can never look back

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

Carry on, carry on

So I met up with some friends
At the edge of the night
At a bar off 75
And we talked and talked
About how our parents will die
All our neighbors and wives

But I like to think
I can cheat it all
To make up for the times I've been cheated on
And it's nice to know
When I was left for dead
I was found and now I don't roam these streets
I am not the ghost you want of me

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

My head is on fire
But my legs are fine
Cause after all they are mine
Lay your clothes down on the floor
Close the door
Hold the phone
Show me how
No one's ever gonna stop us now

Cause we are
We are shining stars
We are invincible
We are who we are
On our darkest day
When we're miles away
So we'll come
We will find our way home

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

Carry on, carry on


  1. I wish there was just a like button. I agree with your post today! Love this song, and we will "carry on!"

  2. I know, sorry, I need to figure out how to add that kind of button! ;) But thanks for your comment!


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