Get To Know Me

Friday, May 24, 2013

Don't Be In A Hurry

Since finding out about the affair 9 months ago, my life has really slowed down a TON.
That is probably because I dropped everything I was doing.
 I dropped facebook, I dropped friend activities, book club, etc.
And you know what??
I've liked it.
I look at some of my friends that are ALWAYS on the go and it exhausts me. (not that there is anything wrong with that and maybe they just LOVE their life that way and that is fine)
But I used to be that kind of person and I wonder why?
What for?
Why did I need to participate in EVERYTHING that was going on?
I mean, I think certain things are important...mainly where service comes in like watching other people's kids or making someone dinner, etc.
But anyone out there who feels like they can't have a gap in their schedule :
I challenge you to just take ONE WEEK and not schedule anything.
 Spend more quiet time with your kids and with your husband and with yourself.
 Don't get on facebook.
Don't be in a hurry to cross everything off of your to-do list.
Like the song says : Let the world go on without you (because it will).  Enjoy the beautiful weather that we are having and breathe it in. 
It might help to imagine you live on the prairie like Laura Ingles. haha
You know my old car needs washing
And the front yard needs a trim
And the telephone keeps ringing
And the bossman knows I know it's him

And the bills ain't gonna pay themselves
Don't matter anyway
'Cause I ain't in no hurry today

Nothing wrong when I know
Cane fishing pole and smell of early spring
Sit down in a fold up easy chair
On a quiet, shady river bank

Let the world go on without me
Wouldn't have it any other wa
y'Cause I ain't in no hurry today

Ain't in no hurry, 
I'd be a fool now to worry
About all those things I can't change
And the time that I borrow can wait till tomorrow
'Cause I ain't in no hurry today

When I must return to the cold, cold ground
Have 'em take their time when they lay their sinner down
Heaven knows that I ain't perfect, ways of little Caine
And I plan to raise a whole lot more before I hear those angels sing

Gonna get by with the Lord
But there'll be hell to pay
But I ain't in no hurry
Ain't in no hurry,
 I'd be a fool now to worry
About all those things I can't change
And the time that I borrow can wait till tomorrow
'Cause I ain't in no hurry, ain't in no hurry, ain't in no hurry today

1 comment:

  1. effective and powerfull love spell to return ex lover contact dr jumba Call/WhatsApp him:  +19085174108   
    my fiancĂ© broke up with me last week i was so sad I changed completely, I wasn't eating and i wasn't talking to anybody, I cried a lot, I was so depressed and stressed out that I was scared I'm going to end up in the hospital because of all the stress and depression until one day i search online on getting love tips because I Love & care about him deeply and I just want us to be together as a couple again and I want us to last forever then i found a powerful spell caster Called dr jumba that he solved so many relationship problem then dr jumba told me he will come back to me between 24hrs after he cast spell on him never believe it until my finance called me on the phone and told me he want us to come back and live happily together forever , Am so happy now that dr jumba help me bring my finance back to me. Thanks so much dr jumba  he can also help you Email him via:  or Call/WhatsApp him:  +19085174108   : blog :  


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